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30.01.2005 20:33
PG2:Wiki - a new conspect Antworten

Well it is not really good costumer to come, where I’m on top of that is writing in English, and just throw of links to other places. But I can comfort you with that I’m a long-time reader of the forum. I do read German; tho don’t write it so good.

Anyway off to the point.

I thought for some time now that PG2 (PGIIID) info is too spread out, and often is getting lost and when one finds it, its often outdated. A few people have to do an awful lot of work to maintain all these good docs, sites, and forums.

Anybody familiar with Wikipedia? They have some sort of offspring called Wikicities. Well I started a PG2:Wiki

If you are familiar with Wikipedia, you know all about what it is, because this is exactly the same. A community-based database where everybody can add and edit.
You don’t even have to be a reg. member to add or edit – just go right ahead and start. Of course you won’t be credited for your contributions if you are not reg. It takes two sec to reg (really!). By reg. you can also write on all other Wikicities.

I thought I would invite you to join this community-based project to collect every bit of PG2 (PGIIID) info available and keep it constant up to-speed, with no particle workload for any particle person.

There is not much here right now, but hopefully some day there will be…

Don’t be shy to add or modify EVERYTHING, you don’t have to write a whole bible, just start the page up, add a little more tomorrow or in a week. Maybe the page is already fully up and running when you return. Add new templates, pages, categories, images, person information, how to do this how to do that, what is this and what is that, grammar corrections, spelling errors etc..

This is never a finished project and nobody owns it. So join the fun and add you say in it.

If this is completely new to you, take a few minuets in the sandbox of Wikipedia (there is also a German Wikipedia)

PG2 Wiki can be found here

I hope I was not to rude to just come here and shameless promote this community-based project. I myself think this concept it quite good.

Lasse Jensen

Rayydar Offline


Beiträge: 11.948

30.01.2005 21:59
PG2:Wiki - a new conspect Antworten
(Für unsere Nicht-Anglisten: ich antworte Lasse auf Englisch, weil man mit dem Thema eh nur was anfangen kann, wenn man das einigermaßen versteht).

Hi Lasse,
of course your contribution is appreciated, regardless of the language.

The link itself (I made a real link out of it) has already been posted by Old Schwejk a few days ago, but your introduction is quite valuable - like the entire project will be when there is some contents (particularly for a stupid guy like me who is cut off all ezboards )

Maybe you'd like to post your text in the Battle Group forum as well?
If you don't want to register there, I can do it for you.

Thanks and best regards,

Gelöschtes Mitglied

30.01.2005 23:32
PG2:Wiki - a new conspect Antworten
Wie heißt es so schön bei Wicki(e) und den starken Männern? "Ich bin entzückt..." Da gehe ich mal davon aus, daß der gute Lasse so viel Deutsch lesen kann, - ansonsten werden ihm die Ankerstjernes bestimmt gerne helfen

Achja, Rayy: Scheint, daß sich das langsam entwickelt, denn mittlerweile sind eigentlich mehr "Hardcore"PG'ler hier als unbedarfte "Daddler"...


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